
Release 18.3.1

Version Info

Release date: 23.03.2018


  • The cameramode parameter of the "Hololens" camera device was ignored. The HoloLens always operated in mode 0. The cameramode parameter should now work as documented.
  • Fixed crash with large model-tracker search length values with debugLevel>=1.
  • Fixed the showLineModel parameters for image sequences and videos.
  • Small fix for using ARKit on iOS devices without having LTE installed on iOS 11.2.5, causing some strange error suddenly.
  • Loading different files without restarting shouldn't leak memory anymore.
  • vlUnitySDK: Fixed compatibility issues with the WorldAnchorManager, SharingWorldAnchorManager and ImportExportAnchorManager of the MixedRealityToolkit.
  • vlUnitySDK: Fixed warning from Unity 2017.2 due to the usage of removed VR APIs.
  • vlUnitySDK: Fixed warning due to faulty WSA plugin meta files. Now it's not necessary to manually set the target platform for the WSA plugins anymore.
  • Fixed null-pointer exception thrown by the ShowInitWarningEventBehaviour.
  • Added enableTorch parameter to .vl in order to allow turning on the light of the camera on iOS devices (if available). The parameter can also actively be set through the setAttribute command.
  • Made CMake version file independent from bitset.
  • Added vlGetVersionHashString function, which copies the internal version hash into the provided buffer.
  • Added vlGetVersionTimestampString function, which copies the release time of this version into the provided buffer.
  • We now provide an additonal DLL, which extends the range of supported video file formats for Windows (non-UWP) systems. A list with supported codecs and formats can be found here:
  • Resetting the HoloLens model-tracker should work as expected now.
  • By default the auto focus behaviour on Android devices is turned on.
**Breaking changes**
  • The vlUnitySDK.h header was renamed to vlSDK.h. Also the vlUnitySDK.dll file is now called vlSDK.dll and vlUnitySDK.lib is now called vlSDK.lib.
  • The vlUnitySDK header have been renamed to vlSDK. Also the vlUnitySDK.dll is now called vlSDK.dll and vlUnitySDK.lib is now called vlSDK.lib and .
  • Renamed plugin-binaries. vlUnitySDK.dll is now called vlSDK.dll. libvlUnity.bundle is now called libvlSDK.bundle. libvlUnity.a is now called libvlSDK.a. Unity should be able to detect, that those files were just renamed. If the "Plugins" directory isn't structured as follows after importing the unitypackage, please manually move those files to the expected location:
    • Plugins/Android/vlsdk.aar
    • Plugins/iOS/libvlSDK.a
    • Plugins/WSA/x86/vlSDK.dll
    • Plugins/WSA/x86_64/vlSDK.dll
    • Plugins/x86/vlSDK.dll
    • Plugins/x86_64/libvlSDK.bundle
    • Plugins/x86_64/vlSDK.dll


  • Obj-C SDK: Added getAttributeRequest, onGetAttribute and setAttribute functions for changing pipeline attributes at runtime
  • Added new VLHoloLensInitCamera prefab. This prefab works like the VLInitCamera prefab, but is compatible with the HoloLens model-based tracking. It is possible to change the initial pose at runtime by transforming the VLHoloLensInitCamera object and the overwriteOnLoad setting allows you to load the initial pose directly from a vl-file. The keepUpright setting was moved from the VLHoloLensTrackerBehaviour to the VLHoloLensInitCamera. The initCamera attribute of the VLHoloLensTrackerBehavour was removed, because the VLHoloLensInitCamera will automatically find the VLHoloLensTrackerBehaviour.
  • Similar to the normal model-based tracking the AR content of the HoloLens model-based tracking must now be exported in a left-handed coordinate system (+z forward) or rotated inside Unity by 180 degrees around the y-axis. This means existing applications using the HoloLens model-based tracking must be adapted, but it has the advantage, that the scene configuration is more similar to the way "normal" model-based tracking scenes are configured (e.g. it is possible to use the same initial pose).
  • VisionLib behaviour scripts are now located in the "VisionLib" category of the "Components" menu of Unity. Example scripts are unchanged.
  • Properties of the VLHoloLensTrackerBehaviour and the VLHoloLensInitCameraBehaviour can now also be modified in the Unity editor, if the current target platform is not "Windows Store".
  • Added upAxis option to the VLHoloLensInitCameraBehaviour. This parameter allows to specify the up-axis for the keepUpright option.
  • Added a new VLHoloLensStabilizationPlaneBehaviour script. This script moves the stabilization plane over the content of the VLHoloLensTrackerBehaviour. The stabilization plane is a method for reducing holographic turbulence. This behaviour is already attached to the VLHoloLensTracker GameObject in the HoloLensCarTracker example scene. Please note, that this behaviour must be removed or disabled, if one wants to use the stabilization plane functionality of the MixedRealityToolkit instead.
  • Added VLHoloLensTracker prefab. Now you can easily create a new HoloLens scene by adding the VLHoloLensInitCamera- and VLHoloLensTracker prefabs into the scene. Then simply set the content attribute of the VLHoloLensTrackerBehaviour and call the VLWorkerBehaviour.StartTracking function. Everything else should then be configured automatically (the main camera will be used).
  • Removed errorTextField from the VLHoloLensTrackerBehaviour. Use the ShowInitWarningsBehaviour instead.
  • Added textComponent variable to ShowInitWarningsBehaviour. If this component is not null, then it will be used to display errors. This is useful for displaying errors in HoloLens application.
  • Removed debug keyboard handling code from the VLHoloLensTrackerBehaviour.


License Tool
  • Fixing license tool to generate proper hash codes for models and testing availability of model.

Licensing Changes

  • Updated the license model descriptions and the way licenses are handled. We have also updated the license agreement for the trial license. Please read the license models section in the introduction carefully. (Old License files should still work. If you experience any issues please notify us on

Organizational Changes

  • First release from Visometry