
Release Notes 16.8.2

Version Info

Release date: 26.08.2016


  • vlUnitySDK: Fixed issue due to which the tracking was only running with 20 FPS, if VLWorkerBehaviour.targetFPS wasn't set after the tracking was started.
  • Added new parameter LINE_SEARCH_LENGTH_TRACKING, which specifies the search length in pixels orthogonal to the lines.
  • Added new parameter LINE_GRADIENT_THRESHOLD, which specifies the minimum gradient magnitude for a pixel to be considered as line candidate.
  • The inlier ratio for the validation should be higher now, because more pixels are considered as line candidates. This requires increasing the previous MININLINER_RATIO_INIT and MININLINER_RATIO_TRACKING values.


  • Added vlWorker_WaitEvents function. Waiting for tracking events will result in a much smoother tracking experience, but the speed of the main thread will be limited by the tracking thread.
  • Added new VLWorkerBehaviour.OnTrackerStopped event.
  • Added new VLWorkerBehaviour.OnTrackerRunning event.
  • Added new VLWorkerBehaviour.OnTrackerPaused event.
  • Added new VLWorkerBehaviour.OnTrackerResetSoft event.
  • Added new VLWorkerBehaviour.OnTrackerResetHard event.
  • Added new VLWorkerBehaviour.OnPerformanceInfo event. The event handler receives an VLPerformanceInfo instance, which contains information about the current tracking performance. The LogTrackingEventsBehaviour.StorePerformanceInfo member function of the example project demonstrates the correct usage.
  • Added VLWorkerBehaviour.waitForEvents member variable and VLWorkerBehaviour.SetWaitForEvents member function. Waiting for tracking events will result in a much smoother tracking experience, but the speed of the Unity update cycle will be limited by the tracking performance.