
Initialization Issues

Starting the VisionLib SDK with a configuration file can arise some issues. You might react accordingly to that by notifying the user of your app.

Generally the feedback is passed at the time the tracking pipeline has/or not been initialized. In depth two json strings are passed inside the SDK, which are reflected by VLIssues Objects in Unity and the Objective-C SDK.

Usually you can find some fixed errorCode which you should rely on. A warning in this context means, that the tracking configuration will run, but restricted in terms of quality or reliability. It is your turn to decide what to do now. YOU SHOULD TAKE THE WARNINGS SERIOUSLY

If an error is passed, that tracking pipe should be stopped (done automatically on Unity), it will not run at all. This can happen if some blocking event occurred during initialization.

An issue usually consists out of:

  • an code (integer) as a unique identifier for an issue
  • an info as an additional message to concrete the issue
  • and a level describing the effect on the system
    • 0 = Notification
    • 1 = Warning
    • 2 = Error
    • 3 = Deprecation Warning

In this table you can find the codes, its explanations and how to use them.

Code (Symbol)Code (integer)InfoDescriptionLevel
VL_INTERNAL_ERROR 1 An internal error occurred during initialization Error
VL_WARNING_CALIBRATION_MISSING_FOR_DEVICE 2 DeviceName No calibration available for device. The device ID is passed in the info field. Please be aware that some standard calibration might be used which will can harm the tracking quality massively. Warning
VL_ERROR_NO_CAMERA_CONNECTED 4 There is maybe no camera connected to your system or no Camera/WebCam capabilities are set. Error
VL_ERROR_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS 5 The camera may be removed or used by another application. Error
VL_ERROR_CAMERA_IMAGE_AQUISITION_FAILED 6 It was not possible to acquire an image from the camera. Error
VL_WARNING_CALIBRATION_DB_LOAD_FAILED 10 CalibrationDB_URI The calibration DB could not be loaded. Warning
VL_WARNING_CALIBRATION_DB_INVALID 11 CalibrationDB_URI The calibration DB is not valid JSON. Warning
VL_WARNING_CALIBRATION_DB_LOAD_ERROR 12 CalibrationDB_URI While loading a calibration data base an internal error occurred reading the database. Please review the error log of the VisionLib for more information! Warning
VL_WARNING_CALIBRATION_DEVICE_ID_OVERWRITTEN_ON_LOAD 13 deviceID Overwritten While loading a calibration data base the following deviceID has been overwritten. Warning
VL_WARNING_CALIBRATION_DEVICE_ID_OVERWRITTEN_BY_ALTERNATIVE_ID 14 deviceID Overwritten - deviceID Source While loading a calibration data base the following deviceID has been overwritten due to a defined alternative deviceID in 'Source'. Warning
VL_DEPRECATION_WARNING 20 deprecatedParameter - newParameter Will be issued when a parameter used in your tracking configuration is deprecated. It should be replaced by the one provided. Deprecation Warning
VL_ERROR_JSON_FILE_INVALID_PARAMETER 90 FileURI :: parameterName :: parameterStructure File is valid json but a parameter is missing, has wrong type or is set to an invalid value. Error
VL_ERROR_FILE_SYNTAX_ERROR 95 FileURI Syntax error encountered while parsing file. Error
VL_ERROR_FILE_WRITING_FAILED 96 FileURI Could not write into the specified file. Error
VL_WARNING_PERMISSION_NOT_SET 97 PermissionName An optional permission is not set. The program might not run as expected. Warning
VL_ERROR_FILE_READING_FAILED 98 FileURI The file specified could not be acquired or loaded. Error
VL_ERROR_FILE_INVALID 99 FileURI No valid tracking configuration. The file can not be handled or has the wrong format. Error
VL_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT_NOT_ALLOWED 100 FileExtension You have passed a file different to the ones allowed or it is not valid (e.g. only .json and .vl files allowed for the configuration). Error
VL_ERROR_LICENSE_INVALID 101 LicenseFileURI Will be issued when the license is not a valid file. Error
VL_ERROR_LICENSE_EXPIRED 102 ExpirationDate Will be issued when the license has been expired. In this case a black image will be shown with the watermark instead of the camera image. The extrinsic data cannot be acquired. Error
VL_ERROR_LICENSE_EXCEEDS_RUNS 103 NumberOfRunsSinceDeployment Will be issued when you have started the license more than 5 times without re-deploying. In this case a black image will be shown with the watermark instead of the camera image. The extrinsic data cannot be acquired. Error
VL_WARNING_LICENSE_MODEL_BOUND_FEATURE_INVALD 104 ModelHashFeature Will be issued when no valid license for a model bound feature could be found. This will not load this model and will result in undefined tracking behaviour. You should contact your license provider for updating the model hash provided in the info string. Warning
VL_ERROR_LICENSE_INVALID_HOST_ID 105 HostID Will be issued when the license is not registered for this id. If you have licensed a commercial or poc license you might send us this id for updating your license file. Error
VL_ERROR_LICENSE_NOT_SET 106 Will be issued when no license file or data has been set. Error
VL_ERROR_LICENSE_INVALID_PLATFORM 107 CurrentPlatform The given license is not valid for running for the current platform (e.g. on HoloLens). Error
VL_WARNING_LICENSE_USING_UNREGISTERED_MODELS 108 Will be issued when the loaded model has NOT been registered in the license. Warning
VL_ERROR_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_FOUND 109 LicenseFileURI Will be issued when the specified license file has not been found at the specified location. Error
VL_ERROR_LICENSE_INVALID_PROGRAM_VERSION 110 LastAllowedBuildDate Will be issued when the license is encountering a program version incompatibility (e.g. Lifetime License bound to certain versions). Error
VL_ERROR_LICENSE_INVALID_SEAT 111 Will be issued when the license is bound to a software protection dongle and does not work with the current seat. Error
VL_ERROR_LICENSE_INVALID_FEATURE 112 featureBundleName Will be issued when a certain feature of the VisionLib is not available due to license restrictions. Error
VL_WARNING_LICENSE_EXPIRING_SOON 113 daysLicenseIsValid Will be issued when the license is only valid for less than a week. You should contact your license provider for obtaining a new license. Warning
VL_ERROR_LICENSE_INVALID_BUNDLE_ID 114 bundleName Will be issued when the license is not registered for this bundle id. If you have licensed a commercial or poc license you might send us this id for updating your license file. Error
VL_ERROR_LICENSE_EXCEEDED_ALLOWED_NUMBER_OF_ANCHORS 115 numberOfAllowedAnchors Will be issued when the number of allowed tracking anchors is exceeded. Info contains: the number of allowed anchors. Error
VL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME 116 unsupportedScheme :: supportedSchemes A used scheme is not supported. Info holds the name of the scheme Error
VL_ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED 200 FeatureName A required feature is not available on this system. Info holds the name of the feature Error
VL_ERROR_MODEL_LOAD_FAILED 300 FileURI The model name passed could not be loaded. Info holds the filename uri requested. Error
VL_ERROR_MODEL_DECODE_FAILED 301 FileURI The model downloaded by the specified fileURI could not be decoded. Error
VL_WARNING_IMPLAUSIBLE_METRIC 302 Boundingbox dimensions The bounding box of the model using the given metric is implausibly large or small. You should check the metric parameter. Info contains the dimensions of the bounding box. Warning
VL_ERROR_DUPLICATE_MODEL_NAME 303 modelName The given modelname has been used twice or was used before. Error
VL_ERROR_DUPLICATE_MODEL_ID 304 modelName1 :: modelName2 Two models create the same modelID. Error
VL_ERROR_POSTER_LOAD_FAILED 350 FileURI The image passed in the poster tracker configuration could not be loaded. Info holds the filename uri requested. Error
VL_WARNING_POSTER_QUALITY_CRITICAL 351 PosterQuality Will be issued when the poster quality is below a critical value. You should replace the poster in the tracker with one of a better quality. Warning
VL_ERROR_GRAPH_SETUP_FAILED_UNKNOWN_ERROR 400 The setup of the graph failed with an unknown reason. Error
VL_ERROR_GRAPH_NODE_NOT_FOUND 401 nodeName Could not find the node with the given name. Info holds the name of the node. Error
VL_ERROR_GRAPH_INVALID_DATA_PATH 402 dataPath The data path doesn't comply with the expected pattern nodeName.dataName. Info holds the data path that was invalid. Error
VL_ERROR_GRAPH_INPUT_NOT_FOUND 403 nodeName :: keyName :: awailableKeys Could not find an input of a node. Info contains: The nodename :: The Key that has not been found :: The keys that are defined on that node. Error
VL_ERROR_GRAPH_OUTPUT_NOT_FOUND 404 nodeName :: keyName :: awailableKeys Could not find an output of a node. Info contains: The nodename :: The Key that has not been found :: The keys that are defined on that node. Error
VL_ERROR_GRAPH_HAS_CYCLES 405 There is a cycle in the graph - so no order of execution could be determined. Error
VL_ERROR_GRAPH_TRACKERS_EMPTY 406 There was no tracker defined. Error
VL_ERROR_GRAPH_DUPLICATE_DEVICE_NAME 407 deviceName The same name has been used for two or more devices. Error
VL_ERROR_GRAPH_DUPLICATE_TRACKER_NAME 408 trackerName The same name has been used for two or more trackers. Error
VL_ERROR_DUPLICATE_ANCHOR_NAME 500 anchorName The same name has been used for two or more anchors. Error
VL_ERROR_ANCHOR_NAME_NOT_FOUND 501 anchorName The given anchor name does not exist. Error
VL_ERROR_DLL_NOT_LOADED 600 dllName The dll needed for using a device is not loaded. Error
VL_WARNING_DLL_LOAD_FAILED 601 dllName Could not load the dll. Warning
VL_WARNING_DLL_NOT_FOUND 602 dllName Could not find the dll needed as dependency. Warning
VL_WARNING_DLL_VERSION_DIFFERENT 603 dllName The version of the dll is not compatible with the vlSDK. Warning
VL_ERROR_COMMAND_CANCELED 700 The given command wasn't executed but canceled. Error
VL_ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED 701 activePipelines The given command is not supported by the current pipeline. Error
VL_ERROR_COMMAND_INTERNAL_PROBLEM 702 The given command could not be executed because of problems inside VisionLib. Error
VL_ERROR_COMMAND_INVALID_PARAMETER 703 parameterName :: parameterStructure The given command could not be executed because the given parameter does not fit parameter structure. Error
VL_ERROR_COMMAND_PARAMETER_VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED 704 parameterName :: parameterValue :: activePipelines The given command could not be executed because the given parameter value isn't supported by the current pipeline. Error
VL_WARNING_PARAMETER_CONSTANT_VALUE 705 Will be issued when trying to set a parameter, which has a fixed value for the current setup. Warning

Starting the VisionLib SDK with a configuration file can arise some issues. You might react accordingly to that by notifying the user of your app.

Generally the feedback is passed at the time the tracking pipeline has/or not been initialized. In depth two json strings are passed inside the SDK, which are reflected by Issue Objects in Unity and the Objective-C SDK.

Usually you can find some fixed errorCode which you should rely on. A warning in this context means, that the tracking configuration will run, but restricted in terms of quality or reliability. It is your turn to decide what to do now. YOU SHOULD TAKE THE WARNINGS SERIOUSLY

If an error is passed, that tracking pipe should be stopped (done automatically on Unity), it will not run at all. This can happen if some blocking event occurred during initialization.

An issue usually consists out of:

  • an code (integer) as a unique identifier for an issue
  • an info as an additional message to concrete the issue
  • and a level describing the effect on the system
    • 0 = Notification
    • 1 = Warning
    • 2 = Error
    • 3 = Deprecation Warning

In this table you can find the codes, its explanations and how to use them.