
HoloLens Voice and Keyboard Commands
Level: Basic

Our HoloLens example scenes include simple commands that you can invoke with your voice or a connected Bluetooth keyboard. Please note that voice commands only work if your HoloLens has an internet connection.

We provide prefabs for speech inputs and key codes that trigger VisionLib events. These inputs are listed in the table below. The prefabs are located at VisionLib SDK - HoloLens/Prefabs/Input and are used in our HoloLens example scenes. There, the prefabs are located under the Input GameObject in the hierarchy.

You can set up your own custom speech or keyboard input using WindowsSpeechInput and KeyboardInput.

VL Event Voice Command Key


Start Tracking "Start Tracking" / "Begin Capturing" T

Starts the tracking using the referenced TrackingConfiguration component. Starts the recording in image recorder scenes.

Stop Tracking "Stop Tracking" / "Stop Capturing" O

Stop the tracking. Stops the recording in image recorder scenes.

Pause Tracking "Pause Tracking" P

Stops the tracking, also freezes the debug image

Resume Tracking "Resume Tracking" R

Resumes tracking and unfreezes the debug image

Reset Tracking Soft "Reset Soft" S

Resets the tracking to the init pose

Reset Tracking Hard "Reset Hard" H

Resets the tracking to the init pose and deletes dynamic templates

Show Debug Image "Show Debug Image" D

Makes the debug image visible

Hide Debug Image "Hide Debug Image" F

Makes the debug image invisible

Wide Field of View "Wide Field of View" M

Use the full field of view for tracking. Helpful for tracking targets of large size.

Narrow Field of View "Narrow Field of View" N

Use a narrowed field of view for tracking. Helpful for tracking targets of small size.

Read Init Data "Read Data" I

Reads and applies saved tracking templates

Write Init Data "Write Data" W

Stores dynamically collected tracking templates for later use

Constrain to Plane "Constrain to Plane" C

Constrains the tracking to poses parallel to the floor. Helpful if the tracking target is located on a level surface.

Disable Constraint "Disable Constraint" V

Disables the plane constrain from above.

Pause Capturing "Pause Capturing" P

Pauses capturing in image recorder scenes.

Resume Capturing "Resume Capturing" R

Resumes capturing in image recorder scenes.