
Technical Overview

VisionLib SDK

With the VisionLib SDK you can create applications in Unity3D and deploy for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), Android (arm7, Android 4.4 +) and iOS devices (64-bit). You can also integrate it into other platforms using the plain C interface. Additionally, we offer a simplified objective-C interface that enables you to use the SDK to develop native macOS and iOS applications.

The core SDK consists of dynamic & static libraries, which you can embed in your application. The current API offers clean and stripped-down access to the tracking engine's core functionality.

VisionLib is built cross-platform, cross-device. The engine supports Unity3D as well as these major native platforms: iOS, Android, UWP, macOS and Windows. Device-like, we support desktops, tablets, smartphones and smartglasses.

By design, VisionLib's trackers and data used for tracking work non-tethered and locally without the need to connect to VisionLib on-line services. If you want to use VisionLib as a service or want to run it remotely, please write us at

VisionLib currently enables you to use 2D images and 3D objects as tracking targets. We refer to these as Poster Tracker and Model Tracker. While the VisionLib Engine is capable of handling more techniques, including marker tracking, advanced feature tracking, multi-object and multi-camera tracking, the core SDK offered at includes only the above mentioned features.

If you are looking for any advanced features, please write us at

Control VisionLib with Configuration Files

You can orchestrate VisionLib and control the basic tracking behavior through the .vl config files. As a developer you can setup the tracking method, influence central tracking parameters, define which camera to use for tracking on a multi-camera device, define the model list for tracking multiple objects, link different input sources to be used, or set debug parameters during development. These .vl files are basically JSON files with a particular structure.

Some of these configuration parameters also act as declarative commands, which you can e.g. use inside Unity3D's GUI system to control and trigger particular features and configure there. To sum up: config files are a quick declarative way to delegate and control VisionLib behavior and influence tracking results without much coding.

License File Required

No matter how you wish to proceed, you will need a license file to test and use the VisionLib Engine. If you've just registered, use the trial license which you can find in your download list in the customer area. For detailed licensing information, please read the Licensing section, or write us at

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