
Camera Calibration Command Reference

For more details about camera calibration see Camera Calibration.

The following commands can be executed, if a tracking configuration with a cameraCalibration is loaded:

CommandName Parameter


run None None

The run command enables the detection of the chessboard pattern.

pause None None

The pause command disables the detection of the chessboard pattern.

reset None None

The reset command removes all frames with a detected chessboard pattern from memory.

optimize None None

The optimize command deletes the latest calibration result (if there is any) and starts calculating a camera calibration on all detected chessboard patterns. This process can take some time depending on the number of frames used for the optimization. Starting the optimization also disables the detection of the chessboard pattern.

cancel None None

The cancel command breaks the current optimization process. It can only be performed, when a calibration process is currently running.

getResults None

The getResults command returns the latest calibration result. If the calibration process hasn't finished yet, this command returns an empty string.

"uri": string
"calibration": Calibration

The write command writes the given Calibration to the file specified by the given URI. If the calibration isn't valid (e.g. "calibrated": false), performing this command results in an error.