
Visometry.VisionLib.SDK.Core.API Namespace Reference

Contains classes that are used to directly communicate with the VisionLib engine, e.g. command classes. More...


namespace  Native
 Contains classes that wrap the interface of the native VisionLib SDK.
namespace  WorkSpace
 Namespace with classes for generating WorkSpace json. These will be used for calling corresponding commands in VisionLib.SDK.Native. THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Please do not rely on this code in productive environments.

Data Structures

class  AnchorHandler
class  AnchorObservableMap
class  AsyncBinaryCommand
class  AsyncCommand
class  BarCodeReaderCommands
 Commands for communicating with the BarCode Reader.
struct  BinaryDataDescriptor
class  CameraCalibrationCommands
 Commands to communicate with a camera calibration pipeline.
class  CameraCalibrationResult
 CameraCalibrationResult stores the result of a calibration process. More...
class  DeviceInfo
 DeviceInfo stores information about the system and available cameras. More...
class  EventWrapper
class  ImageRecorderCommands
 Commands for communicating with the image recorder. More...
class  Issue
 This class contains information about an issue raised by the native VisionLib SDK. More...
class  LicenseInformation
 LicenseInformation stores information about the current license. More...
class  Logger
class  MeshList
class  ModelDataDescriptor
class  ModelDataDescriptorList
class  ModelDeserializationResult
 ModelDeserializationResult stores associated data of the models. More...
class  ModelDeserializationResultList
 ModelDeserializationResultList stores the internal states of the model which is used for model based tracking. Such an object is usually passed, when calling Worker.PushJsonAndBinaryCommand with an addModelData command. More...
class  ModelProperties
 ModelProperties stores the internal states of the model which is used for model based tracking. Such an object is usually passed, when subscribing to the OnGetModelProperties event. More...
class  ModelPropertiesStructure
 ModelProperties stores the internal states of the model which is used for model based tracking. Such an object is usually passed, when subscribing to the OnGetModelProperties event. More...
class  ModelTrackerCommands
 Commands for communicating with the model tracker. More...
struct  ModelTransform
class  MultiModelTrackerCommands
 Commands for communicating with the multi-model tracker. More...
struct  PerformanceInfo
 PerformanceInfo stores information about the tracking performance. More...
class  PosterTrackerCommands
 Commands for communicating with the poster tracker.
class  SystemInfo
 SystemInfo enables access to system information
class  TrackerInfo
 TrackerInfo stores the information returned after creating a tracker More...
class  TrackingState
 TrackingState stores the tracking states of all tracking object. More...
class  UEyeCameraCommands
 Commands for communicating with the UEye camera. More...
class  WorkerCommands
 Commands for communicating with the Worker.

Detailed Description

Contains classes that are used to directly communicate with the VisionLib engine, e.g. command classes.