
Visometry.VisionLib.SDK.HoloLens Namespace Reference

Data Structures

class  HoloLensGlobalCoordinateSystem
 Synchronizes the Global Coordinate System between Unity and the VisionLib More...
class  HoloLensInitCamera
 Camera used to define the initial pose for the HoloLens model-based tracking. More...
class  HoloLensInstructionPanel
class  HoloLensStabilizationPlane
 Positions stabilization plane over HoloLensTracker content. More...
class  HoloLensTracker
 Manages the model-based initialization of the HoloLens tracking. More...
class  KeyboardInput
 Turns Input.GetKeyDown into a UnityEvent. More...
class  TrackingSpeechInput
class  WindowsSpeechInput
 Turns speech input into a UnityEvent. More...