
AR Foundation Support
Level: Advanced

This tutorial explains how to set up VisionLib object tracking when using AR Foundation in a Unity scene. You should already be familiar with setting up VisionLib in a Unity scene without AR Foundation, as described in the UnitySDK Quick Start.

Note: The ARFoundation support requires a license file containing the AllowInjectingImage feature.


  • Requirements
  • Setting Up a Scene With VisionLib AR Foundation Support
  • Configuring a Project for Building to Your Target Platform
    • Unity 2020
      • Unity 2020 — Android
      • Unity 2020 — iOS
  • Additional Settings and Options
    • Adding VL Tracking to an Existing AR Foundation Scene
    • Customizing the Tracking Configuration
    • Adjusting the VisionLib XR Tracking Settings
    • Debugging an AR Foundation Project in the Editor


AR Foundation is currently only supported on Android and iOS. Our implementation has been tested on Android 10, Android 11 and Android 12, as well as on iOS 13, iOS 14 and iOS 15.

Setting Up a Scene With VisionLib AR Foundation Support

  • Using the Unity Package Manager, install the packages VisionLib.SDK-Unity-X.Y.Z.tgz and Extensions/VisionLib.SDK.ARFoundation-Unity-X.Y.Z.tgz from the current VisionLib.SDK.Unity release. For more details and considerations regarding VisionLib Packages, see Install VisionLib Packages in Unity.
  • Set up an AR Foundation scene in Unity using the VisionLib components for AR Foundation. There are two methods to do this:
    1. Use our AR Foundation support example Scene:
      This scene contains all the ARFoundation and VisionLib components needed to track the VisionLib paper car. You can build your own scene on top of this example scene or use it as a template for reference. To get started with the example scene:
      • Import Extensions/VisionLib.SDK.ARFoundation.Examples-Unity.unitypackage.
      • Locate the example scene in the project under Assets/VisionLib ARFoundation Examples/Scenes/.
    2. Add VL Tracking to your existing AR Foundation Scene (see section Adding VL Tracking to an Existing AR Foundation Scene).
  • In either case, you will have to add your VisionLib license to the scene. To do this:
    • Copy your license file to StreamingAssets/VisionLib/.
    • Reference it in the TrackingConfiguration component of the VLTracking GameObject in the scene.
  • Add your AR Foundation Scene to the Scenes in Build in the build settings.
  • Proceed with the appropriate configuration procedure for your platform and unity version according to the section Configuring a Project for Building to Your Target Platform.

Configuring a Project for Building to Your Target Platform

Unity 2020

  • Proceed with the appropriate platform-specific setup instructions below.

Unity 2020 — Android

  • Under File > Build Settings select Android and click on Switch Platform if it is not already selected.
  • Under Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings make the following changes:
    • Ensure Vulkan is not the only enabled Graphics API, as Vulkan is not supported by ARCore. You will encounter the build error shown below if you attempt to build with Vulkan as the first option. You can either delete Vulkan from the list of Graphics APIs, replace Vulkan with another option (usually OpenGLES3) at the top of this list or enable Auto Graphics API. All three approaches will work. The former two options will enforce the exclusive use of the first API in the list. For further reading on the graphics API settings, refer to Unity's documentation on this topic.
      BuildFailedException: You have enabled the Vulkan graphics API, which is not supported by ARCore.
    • Ensure the Minimum API Level is set to "Android 7.0 'Nougat' (API Level 24)". Otherwise, you will encounter the following error:
      BuildFailedException: ARCore Required apps require a minimum SDK version of 24. Currently set to AndroidApiXX
    • Optional: Enable 64 bit builds. This is strongly recommended for compatibility with current 64bit smartphones and is required by the Google Play Store. If you build exclusively for 32 bit with Mono, your app might not work at all on current smartphone models. To enable 64 bit Android builds:
      - Switch the Scripting Backend to IL2CPP, since Unity will not build for 64 bit ARM architectures using Mono.
      • Enable ARM64 in Target Architectures.
        • If you know you will only be building for 64 bit devices, disable ARMv7 to save build time and storage space.
  • Enable ARCore under Edit > Project Settings > XR Plug-in Management > Android Settings > Plug-in Providers.
  • Under Edit > Project Settings > XR Plug-in Management > ARCore set Requirement and Depth to "Optional". You may have to close and reopen the player settings window for the ARCore entry to appear under XR Plug-in Management. If you do not set Requirement to optional, you will encounter this error when attempting to build:
  • Congratulations, you have successfully configured your VisionLib project in Unity 2020 for building to Android. A test build is recommended at this point to verify that your project works as desired.

Unity 2020 — iOS

  • Under File > Build Settings select iOS and click on Switch Platform if it is not already selected.
  • Under Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings set the Camera Usage Description to an arbitrary string, e.g. Augmented Reality. Use the purpose you want your user to see when they are asked to grant camera permission.
  • Install and enable the ARKit XR Plugin by checking the ARKit toggle in XR Plug-in Management > iOS Settings > Plug-in Providers.
  • Congratulations, you have successfully configured your VisionLib project in Unity 2020 for building to iOS. A test build is recommended at this point to verify that your project works as desired.

Additional Settings and Options

Adding VL Tracking to an Existing AR Foundation Scene

To enable VisionLib object tracking in an existing AR Foundation scene, select Game Object > VisionLib > Add XR Tracking. This will add all necessary GameObjects and Components under a parent object called VLTracking to your scene. It will also try to connect them automatically to the AR Foundation GameObjects.


Once the VLTracking GameObject is created, set your tracking configuration in the public parameter of the object's Tracking Configuration component.

Adjust the Transform of the AR Camera, so that the camera is pointing to the tracking target from the point that should be used to start tracking.

Finally, add a TrackingAnchor component that connects Unity with VisionLib.

Customizing the Tracking Configuration

In the AR Foundation Example, we use the tracking configuration in StreamingAssets/VisionLib/Examples/ARFoundation/ModelTracking/InjectingModelTrackingConfiguration.vl. You can use this as a starting point for your own configuration file according to UnitySDK Quick Start. Make a separate copy of the file instead of modifying the existing file. This prevents issues from arising upon updates to new versions of VisionLib.

Set the path to your new tracking configuration file in the Tracking Configuration component in your scene. You will find this under VLTracking > Tracking Configuration.


Since Unity sets the position of the AR Foundation camera in meters, your model also has to be scaled accordingly. Also, set the metric to "m" in your tracking configuration file.

Adjusting the VisionLib XR Tracking Settings

The components that connect AR Foundation with VisionLib are placed on the GameObject called VLXRCamera.


To reduce the workload that is created by VisionLib object tracking, set the Max Tracking FPS to a lower value - or increase it to trigger object tracking more frequently.

Debugging an AR Foundation Project in the Editor

Testing AR Foundation scenes in the editor is inherently not possible with Unity out of the box. You can use the third-party plugin AR Foundation Remote from the asset store for this purpose. The specifics of using AR Foundation Remote with VisionLib are covered in AR Foundation Remote Plugin Setup.