
Visometry.VisionLib.SDK.Core Namespace Reference

Contains components that are used to add tracking functionality and to setup or interact with VisionLib's tracking. More...


namespace  API
 Contains classes that are used to directly communicate with the VisionLib engine, e.g. command classes.
namespace  Details
 Internal use only.

Data Structures

class  AdvancedSphereGeometry
 SphereGeomgetry in which one can control the radius via parameters. More...
class  AdvancedWorkSpace
 This class contains shared properties and functionality of Advanced and Simple WorkSpaces. THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Please do not rely on this code in productive environments. More...
class  AspectRatioFitter
 Modified version of the original AspectRatioFitter, which also handles rectTransforms with rotations around the z-axis.
class  AzureKinectPluginLoader
class  BackgroundImageRenderer
 Used for rendering the camera image in the background. More...
class  BarCodeReader
class  BaseGeometry
 Base class for all geometry classes that represent source or destinations of workspaces. More...
class  CameraCalibration
class  CameraImageStreamTexture
 The CameraImageStream propagates the camera image to its texture More...
class  DebugImage
 The DebugImage can be used to visualize debug images using the Unity GUI system. More...
class  DebugImageStreamTexture
 The DebugImageStream propagates the debug image to its texture More...
class  Frame
 Frame contains the description of one frame for tracking More...
class  GeneralSettings
class  GUIMatrixScaler
 Scales GUI.matrix to a reference size.
class  ImageRecorder
 ImageRecorder stores the result of a calibration process. More...
class  ImageStreamFilter
class  ImageStreamTexture
class  InitCamera
 Camera used to define the initial pose. More...
interface  InputFrame
class  InputSourceSelection
 This behaviour is used by the TrackingConfiguration to enable to select the input source that is used for tracking. You can choose from a list of available devices or use the input defined in your tracking configuration. More...
class  IssuesToEventsAdapter
 Provides events that send the type, log and details each time an issue from the VisionLib SDK occurred. More...
class  LicenseFile
class  LineGeometry
 Stores data that represents equidistant samplings of a section of a line. More...
class  ModelTracker
 The ModelTracker contains all functions, which are specific for the ModelTracker. More...
class  NotificationAdapter
 Shows notifications and log for VisionLib issues and tracking events. For internal use only. More...
class  PlaneConstrainedMode
 If your model is located on a flat surface and will never be titled relative to the worlds horizon, you can improve the tracking results in some cases by using the plane constrained mode. More...
class  PlaneGeometry
 Stores data that represents equidistant samplings of a section of a plane. More...
class  PointGeometry
 Stores data of a single point. More...
class  PosterAnalyzer
 Enables scene authors to analyze the quality of a texture as a VisionLib reference image. More...
class  PosterTracker
 The PosterTracker contains all functions, which are specific for the PosterTracker. More...
class  ProgressIndication
class  RuntimeParameter
 The RuntimeParameter can be used to set tracking parameters at runtime. More...
class  ScreenOrientationObserver
class  SimpleSphereGeometry
 SphereGeometry without a radius parameter. It will inherit the size from "currentMesh" instead. More...
class  SimpleWorkSpace
 This class contains shared properties and functionality of Advanced and Simple WorkSpaces. THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Please do not rely on this code in productive environments. More...
class  SphereGeometry
 Stores data that represents sections of a sphere limited by a horizontal and vertical angle range. More...
class  SynchronousTrackingManager
class  SynchronousTrackingManagerReference
class  TrackerEventsProvider
 This behaviour fires UnityEvents for static TrackingManager events. More...
class  TrackingAnchor
 Tracking anchor that is used to control references like the visualization model and WorkSpaces for different anchors in multi model tracking. THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Please do not rely on this code in productive environments. More...
class  TrackingCamera
 Camera used for rendering the augmentation. More...
class  TrackingConfiguration
 Use this component to save a reference to the used tracking configuration (vl-file), license and calibration file and to start tracking with the options: auto start, input selection and external SLAM. More...
class  TrackingConfigurationString
class  TrackingManager
class  TrackingManagerReference
 Base class for MonoBehaviours, which need access to the Worker and TrackingManager objects. More...
class  TrackingModel
 Behaviour, which enables the user to use the GameObjects mesh for tracking. NOTE: This behaviour is considered as BETA. Please do not alter this file unless you know what you are doing - it is considered to be changed and optimized in future versions. More...
class  TrackingStateProvider
 This behaviour fires UnityEvents for TrackingManager.OnTrackingStates events. More...
class  UEyeCameraParameters
 Class providing functions to use the internal memory of uEye cameras. You can use them to save or load your own configurations. Additionally, provides the possibility to configure your uEye camera with the IDS camera manager and load your settings in VisionLib. More...
class  UEyePluginLoader
class  WorkSpace
 This class contains shared properties and functionality of Advanced and Simple WorkSpaces. THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Please do not rely on this code in productive environments. More...
class  WorkSpaceGeometry
 Component wrapper around several BaseGeometry classes. More...
class  WorkSpaceManager
 The WorkSpaceManager collects the WorkSpace definitions from the hierarchy and transfers them to VisionLib during runtime. If TrackingAnchors are found in the scene, the WorkSpaces will be transferred according to their anchor. THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Please do not rely on this code in productive environments. More...

Detailed Description

Contains components that are used to add tracking functionality and to setup or interact with VisionLib's tracking.